How to be Good at Candid Photography
Photography means to show a person’s emotions and actions clearly with the help of images. It is a very interesting field and has various variants. There are many types of photography such as Candid Photography, Portrait Photography, etc. There are different techniques that are employed in various kinds of photography to capture the images in a specific way. Creativity is the main thing required to excel in this particular field. There are many people who are interested in this field of work and take it very seriously. It is a very interesting and creative profession. Candid photography is a type of photography that is used widely these days all around…
20 Great Silhouette Portraits Examples Taken Near Beach
Shooting Silhouette is a fun way to experiment with your photography skills. People are very much tempted to take portrait near beach mostly when they are with their families, some family members would be too shy to pose, in that case why not try some of these silhouette style portraits. That way you even add some options by capturing some intimate moments without forcing them to pose for the occasion. The best part is with some clever photography skills and little post-production work on Photoshop or Lightroom you can even convert your normal image into a silhouette. So Here Are 20 Great Silhouette Portraits Examples Taken Near Beach 1. Jump…
Portrait of 10 Most Influential Women and their quotes
Only being a woman is the most influential thing in this whole universe, without them we could not imagine how our life would be. From a caring mom to a supporting wife they have always played a significant role in our life. To celebrate this glorious women’s day, we put together 10 most influential women. These women with their extraordinary work and charismatic nature have thoroughly influenced our lives. 1. Marie Curie (1867-1934) Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less. 2. Mother Teresa (1910-1997) I have found the paradox, that if…
15 Most Famous Photographers of All Times and their Self Portrait
Photography is followed like a cult in most parts of the world. There are thousands of aspiring and promising photographers around the globe who continue to amaze us with their creative vision, unique perspectives, and excellent photographs. However, there have been a few of us who have been popular for their style, their passion for photography, and the works that they presented to the world. We would talk about 15 of the most famous photographers in the world so that you can get a hint of inspiration for your works as well. Here are 15 Most Famous Photographers Of All Times & their Self Portrait: 1. Art Wolfe One of…
Exposure Guide for Beginner Photographers
As a beginner photographer, you would have to face several challenges. Often, learning the basics of the game is a much simpler task than going ahead and opting for professional photography. What a lot of young or new photographers do is establish a studio, click a few pictures of their friends and family and then wait for some great projects to come their way. Let us tell you that this is not how your business would take off. These days, there is a lot of competition in the field of photography and people constantly need to be reminded about you and the services that you provide. Failing this, you might…