Siblings portrait photography idea

MPH Portrait Spotlight – October (2016) Showcase

At MyPortraitHub we utterly love this featured section “MPH Portrait Spotlight“. We always endeavor to hit upon and showcase inspirational and breathtaking portrait photographs from photographers all around the world.

We hope you will love to read the story behind each of these photographs. Also read about these photographers their style of photography, their profile, history, interests, and types of equipment they use, etc.

We congratulate all these photographers. They all are great inspirations in the portrait photography world. We are also appreciating all those featured requests that we receive every week.

Take a look at what we have collected and do not forget to share their marvelous work. #mphportraitspotlight | #myportraithub

01. Hernán and Carola – Siblings portrait

Siblings portrait photography idea

Photographer: Bárbara Traver | Facebook Profile

Hello, I am Bárbara Traver. I was born in Madrid, Spain in 1992. Since I was nine years old I have been living in different places around Spain and abroad. In 2014 I came to Valencia, Spain, to study in “Espai d’art Fotogràfic” school. I have hold exhibitions in the EFTI gallery in Madrid, in Belle Art Caceres, or in Officine Fotograhice in Rome. I was a finalist in the Royal Photography Society Contest in London, UK. and have had a special mention on different occasions in Life Framer Photography also in London, UK. I have also won several competitions such as Nikon Photo Contest (Japan).

In my portraits what I’m trying is to get the person or people to stay in an immersed state, where they feel that anyone is in the room and alone. In this case, “Siblings portrait” what catches my attention is their so characteristic traits and genetics. Hernán and Carola live in Spain, but they are from Argentina. Many people migrated over there so there is much history behind it and this fascinates me. I am aware that you cannot see in the picture but if you look at the photo it makes you ask yourself questions. This brother and sister have never been photographed for a portrait, and less together, like most of the person I have in my portraits. It is an introspective challenge.

The use of lighting is a continuous light. I used two lights, one to illuminate the background and use other to illuminate their face with Rembrandt light. The photograph I made with a Nikon D750 and the lens 85mm f/1.8. As for digital processing, I revealed in lightroom and then transfer to Photoshop to complete the settings I want to give to photography. The place is at my house, I do it in a small study which I create for my account.

02. Schrute farms

Blonde Girl Picture Idea

Photographer: Kelly Ekeroth | Deviantart Profile

Hello, I am Kelly Ekeroth, I was born and raised in Minnesota and I started to learn photography in 7th grade. Prior to that, I was always obsessing over images, particularly gritty black and white photos of the emerging punk rock scene in the ’70s. This is a photo of my oldest daughter, Kelsey. I shot this because my grandma who was 94 passed away and I got a bunch of her jewelry, mainly necklaces. The same necklaces that I used to wear as a little girl when I played dress-up. I put all these necklaces on my daughter to capture what I felt like wearing grandma’s jewelry.

This photo is lit with diffused window light, and a fill card to the left of me. I used my lens of choice which is a 35mm f/1.8, on a Nikon D300. In post, I used a preset from VSCO and took care of any barrel distortion. I also did a little dodge/burn work in the eyes.

03. Miss Dolly

Girl Night Street Photography Idea

Photographer: Gulyas Rebecca | Deviantart Profile

Hello everyone. I am Gulyas Rebecca and I am a 23-year-old photographer from Hungary.

The photograph was taken on Halloween. This picture conveys a message that “There are souls that cannot get out of the difficult fate, if they do not break within or outside of it can be seen.”. The model in this photograph is a 24-year-old Hungarian girl named Tamara.

This photograph was captured by the Nikon D3100 camera. During the photoshoot, only street lights were there and no flash used. There was not much post-production work on this photograph. I only did some light alignment and color correction.

04. Zvezdi

Girl Portrait Photography Idea in Forest

Photographer: Ivan | Deviantart Profile | Facebook Profile

Hello, I am Ivan, a photographer based in Sofia, Bulgaria and I love shooting in my free time. I have been into photography since 2009 and I’m interested mainly in fine art, beauty, fashion, and erotic photography.

This shot was made unexpectedly and unplanned. One weekend two friends of mine – Zvezdi and Kaloyan, who happen to be fashion bloggers, invited me for a walk in a forest near Sofia. We went there and experimented with the beautiful setting the nature brought to us. I bring with myself my Nikkor 20/1.8 G lens and it came in use because I wanted to capture Zvezdi with all of the surroundings near her. The sky was cloudy and dull and I was using only natural light, so I decided to make two shots – one exposed correctly for the model and one for the sky. In the post-production, I blended the two images together so that I achieve a solid and darker sky.

05. White dress history II

Girl outdoor photography idea with bicycle

Photographer: Jorge | Deviantart Profile | Facebook Profile

Hello, my name is Jorge. I’m an amateur photographer and self-taught. I began to photograph as a substitute for drawing. For some years I made a few photos and over the past two years, I have begun to make many more. I like to take photos and I have a lot of ideas but I don’t have resources like dresses, makeup artists, etc. I love to take portraits but I like to try some like-fashion shoots.

About this photograph, I wanted a photoshoot of a girl with a white dress and a white background because a camera has problems with all white or all black. It was to learn and improve. So, I look for a location on a cloudy day. I did some test and I like it. But the day of photoshoot It was the sky clear. So I had to improvise. Fortunately, all walls were white and the midday light was bounced filling shadows. All is natural light at midday with the light at her back. My tools were a Nikon D90 with a 50mm 1.8 lens.

In post-processing, I clean a bit of skin with a healing brush tool. Then I use selective color and down a bit the yellows in the color white because the white had a very yellow dominant. I did some brightness/contrast adjustment and finally, I add a 50% grey layer with noise in mode soft light.

06. ***

Countryside little girl portrait picture

Photographer: Magdalena Biegniewska | Deviantart Profile | Facebook Profile

My name is Magdalena Biegniewska and I’m 21. I study Architecture in Poland. I’ve got an interest in photography for 6-7 years and I really love it. I generally shoot photographs of my friends and nature.

This picture is one of my favorites. It tells a story about childhood in the village and reminds me of the last days of summer. This photo connects two of my favorite topics – people and nature.

07. Dolce Amore

Wedding couple portrait picture idea

Photographer: Cris Ryan P. Pagud | Deviantart Profile | Facebook Profile | Instagram Profile

Hello. I am Cris Ryan P. Pagud. I’m not the type of professional photographer like there. Ryan Pascual Photography is just an amateur in taking snapshots during an event like birthdays, family occasions, weddings and etc. Ryan was started only in a simple stolen shot in a cellular phone, then started to grow when he realized that taking photos will be the one best way to preserve precious moments that soon, it will be only kept and seen in a simple photo size of a paper. He was always borrowing a Camera to cover an event because he’s still not able to buy that expensive paraphernalia. A quite funny and pity story isn’t it? But he’s not got easily give up to pursue the dream just because of that limits, belief, and determination, faith, and passion are his negatives to develop an overwhelming success of moments in photography.

Until now, Ryan Pascual is on deck for those moments to cover. Portraiture is not that easy to achieve, unless if that have good cooperation between the model and photographer. Most important for me is the ability of the subject to express the feeling and showcase the proper aura in every pose process to achieve. Background or place is not a big deal, any place will be justified, as long as the model or subject knows how to play the role of the moment or theme of the photo. Photo editing skills will help to improve the portraiture to be more attractive and catchy. Expressionism for the subject, and Photography for the record, are the best way for me to have a break-a-leg record for Portraits.

Ryan Pascual Photography is promised in the line “Where moments never fade…”. To capture those treasured moments to keep in forever.

08. Surrounded by Nature 2

Couple photography idea near lake

Photographer: Rita | Deviantart Profile

My name is Rita, I’m from Ukraine, and I love analog photography. I mainly do photography as a hobby, so if I take a picture of something, it’s done primarily in a rush of inspiration. The majority of my photographs depict nature because for me it’s the only thing that’s real.

In this work of mine, there is a young couple observing nature. They are sitting quietly, saying nothing, gradually merging with everything surrounding them – the lake, the sky, the trees, the birds. They don’t even realize they’re being photographed. I think they don’t even care. Nothing matters to them anymore, they’re completely absorbed in peace, thus acquiring the true sense of reality.

For this shot, I used a Pentax Spotmatic with a Helios 44-2 lens. The location is Pavlovsk Park, Saint Petersburg, Russia.

This shot was taken using natural light, and I also added some depth and colors by means of Lightroom.

09. Lurker

Girl in Dark Portrait Idea

Photographer: Tori | Deviantart Profile

Hello, I am Tori and I am from the United States. I started doing photography after my mom passed away in 2011 as a way to feel closer to her and do and grow in something that she had loved. I’ve been doing it ever since and I’ve grown far beyond what I ever thought I would.

That portrait is special to me because it was the first self-portrait I took. I remember reading for a few days leading up to that photograph on the best ways to take self- portraits. To me, this portrait shows curiosity and a bit of concern (possibly linked to wondering if the photo would turn out).

10. Perfect Illusion

Girl with a dog picture idea

Photographer: Kristina Alegro | Deviantart Profile | Facebook Profile | Instagram Profile

Hello, I am Kristina Alegro, graphic designer and photographer situated in Slovenia, Ljubljana. I was always strongly connected to creativity and I started taking photos when I needed textures for my mixed-media creations at the year of 2008. I follow my own instincts during my creativity, and could say that my inner-voice is manifesting through the variety of styles that I use. I try to add a unique and fresh touch to my photos…something to think about. That is why portrait photography and creative experimental photography hold the foreground in my interests.

For me photography is just a way of expressing myself, It is Love and my way of Life.

I used Nikon D750, 24-70mm Nikon lens, and natural light. This work “Perfect Illusion” is one of my many expressions about the philosophy of life.

Perfection is an illusion, all that seems perfect isn’t as it seems.

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