Girl Portrait Photograph with Flowers

MPH Portrait Spotlight – May (2016) Showcase

At MyPortraitHub we utterly love this featured section “MPH Portrait Spotlight“. We always try to find out and showcase inspirational and fresh portrait photographs from the artists all around the world.

We hope you will love to read the story behind each of these photographs. Also read about these photographers their style of photography, their profile, history, interests and equipments they use etc.

We congratulate all these photographers. They all are great inspiration in portrait photography world. We are also appreciating all those featured requests that we receive every week.

Take a look what we have collected and do not forget to share their marvelous work. #mphportraitspotlight | #myportraithub

01. INDRE 1

Girl Portrait Photograph with Flowers

Photographer: Esra Pozan | Deviantart Profile

Hello everyone my name is Esra Pozan and I am a female photographer based in Turkey.

This portrait was about a make up shooting actually. The make up artist came from the USA to Istanbul and wanted the shootings to be natuıral as wedding shots. I took this photo from the balcony of my house.

I used Canon 5D Mark III camera + Canon 85mm 1.2 lens.

I worked on Adobe Photoshop and used Allison action to edit.

02. Violette

Girl Portrait Photography in a Graveyard

Photographer: Victoria Villa | Deviantart Profile | Flickr Page

Victoria Villa is a photographer born in Málaga who works the art and social point of view of her environment. She focuses on feelings and delutions, always with a nostalgic and fragile style. She speaks Spanish, German and English, and has made photo shootings in places like Dublin, Berlin Tokyo, Amsterdam and different points in Spain.

Violette is a well known grave located in the Historical English Cementery of Málaga. There lies a baby who only could live one month. Her mother, in a very elegant way, show her heartrending sorrow by writing in her epitaph “what violets last“. In this picture, all our attention goes to her mother: an elegant, fragile and phantasmagoric woman, because she got locked in a world full of misery and just want to wader between her memories.

Camera: Canon EOS 60D
Lense: 50 mm 1.8 Canon
Lightning: Natural light.
Make up and hair: Lora Make up Arts
Model: Celia Ferrer
Stylism: Anna Jimenez Plaza

Planification had the most important part of this picture. I needed the help of proffesionals of image who could give the model that epoque stylism, sad and fantastic that I was looking for. Post-production was made with Photoshop, where I just focused on colors, giving them a better lightness and warmth.

03. Tea With Cinnamon

Girl Indoor Portrait Photograph with Bubbles

Photographer: Valery | Deviantart Profile | Facebook Fanpage

My name is Valery. I’m 20 years old and I live in Belarus. I started to take photos something like one year ago, and I really enjoy this. Besides photography I also enjoy postcrossing activity(I send postcards across the world), study English, Spanish, PR and Politics in the University and play piano and guitar a bit:) Nice to meet you all)

Camera Data:

Model: NIKON D3100
Shutter Speed: 1/250 second
Aperture: F/5.6
Focal Length: 50 mm
ISO Speed: 100
Software: Adobe Photoshop CC (Windows)
Light: Natural light
Location: Abandoned factory of manufacturing TV-sets
Post processing: Selective color correction mainly(red, yellow, blue).A bit of portraiture. I suppose I worked about 15 minutes on this pic, there wasn’t much to do on it…the model had pure skin, so there was no need to work on it too much. I have just added a bit more color on the mandolin and some sharpen on bubbles. And blurred a bit the background. Then a bit of saturation and contrast settings. I pay attention on the tonal contrast, as a rule. So, perhaps, that’s it :)

What I like about this photo is that the mood and atmosphere is very warm and cozy. Like the summer has already begun, I have no exams and work, can sleep and walk outdoors all the time. I like warm colors, but I always try to make a contrast with the cold blue/green colors and warm red/yellow ones.

I shooted it special for the “Foto_Fabricant Contest“. It is the Russian Contest of the photographers, which covers a lot of European countries(for example I partiсipated in it along with the photographers from the Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus and so on).

I have done seven photos for this task(by the way, the task was to take photos of the cute girl in some abandoned place), but the judges of the contest have chosen not this particular pic. They chose a photo called “Hotel California”(on my DA gallery) and I have got the 8th place for it. The participants were really strong.

I have a great team for this photoseccion. My Make-up Artist and stylist was a great girl Asya, and my assistant was Vlad. And, of course, my wonderful model – Elvie. Thanks a lot to them!

04. Mosaics.

Girl Back Shot Portrait Photography

Photographer: Ilmarinen | Deviantart Profile

Hello people my name is Ilmarinen and I am from Russia. I do not do photography professionally, it is just a hobby and something I use to express how I view the world around. I still have sooo much to learn about photography and post-processing, there’s a long way to go.

That shot that you picked was done in Tbilisi, Georgia last year. I went there for a short holiday with my friends and one of them, Olga, kindly agreed to act as a model for me. The wall she touches in the picture is the wall of the bell-tower somewhere in the old district of Tbilisi. The wall is tiled with these peculiar cute tilings that just caught my eye. Olga gently touches the tilings in awe and wonder taking note of every detail, every tiny crack, every color. Wonder is what I wanted to express in this photo.

I am not much fond of heavy post-processing, just a few touches here and there, such as adding a bit more contrast and saturation to the picture.

05. Cristina II

Girl Outdoor Portrait Photograph in Sunlight

Photographer: Cero Grey | Deviantart Profile

Hello everyone, I am Cero Grey, a male photographer based in Mexico.

The photo was taken almost in the evening I wanted to create a shadow that resemble a mask on his face, a message would learn to use natural light in your favor on every shot.

the post-processing work was only giving a warmer tone a natural touch I think.

About me I started this as a hobby is now my job that I really like, still I lack things to learn but gradually hope to continue to take spectacular photos.

06. Sun as glass

Girl Sunset Outdoor Portrait Photography

Photographer: Nathalie | Deviantart Profile | Facebook Fanpage | Instagram Profile

I am Nathalie (I also use a nickname Ea Den Gruesomme) from Ukraine, I’m 26 years old. Photography is my hobby. My serious interest to photography started when I was in my highschool. I always was (and I still am) very shy and unconfident person, that’s why I was searching the right way to express myself, and I have found it in photography. Obviously portraits is my favourite thing to shoot.

As for this portrait it was taken in the very end of the warm spring day. It’s like a remembrance of those unconcerned days I had a long time ago. Now I have a very intensive and busy life and don’t have enough time for my hobby. That evening I stopped and noticed this beautiful tiny golden light which was bursting through the branches and young green leaves of the trees. And I decided to fix that magical moment on the photograph. I would like people to notice and appreciate the beauty surrounding us.

This photograph is very simple – I took it at my backyard with my Nikon D3000 and Nikkor 1.4 50 MM lens. As always I used a natural light. I believe that in such sort of photography the natural light makes the picture more realistic for a human eye. You see the picture as it is real. As for post-processing I used Photoshop CC 2015 – I just played around the curves, colour balance and added some noise in Color Effex to make photograph more vintage and cosy.

The camera options were the next:

Shutter Speed: 10/2500 second
Aperture: F/1.4
Focal Length: 50 mm
ISO Speed: 100

07. Alisa

Girl Bokeh Portrait Photography

Photographer: Bohus Travnicek | Deviantart Profile

Hello. My name is Bohus Travnicek and I am from Slovakia.

I was just doing freestyle photoshoot with my friend. What I like about it is central composition that makes sense and top lighting which I made with external flash triggered with radio. Location is Bratislava, Slovakia under the Bridge of SNP (Slovak National Uprising in english I guess). For postprocessing I usually start with few LUTs of classic negative films and then I fine tune highlights, shadows and colors locally. I use Canon 5D MarkII.

08. Dreaming

Girl Outdoor Portrait Photograph in Forest

Photographer: Sarah | Deviantart Profile | Facebook Fanpage

Hello, I’m Sarah a 22-year old hobbyist photographer based in Germany.

I love it to capture the lovely things in life. I don’t really need special stuff. If the light is good to create some beautiful dreamy photos, I go out and search for some nice places and things.

I recently found a liking in portrait photography. Whether I have friends in front of my camera or I, myself am the model.

This portrait took a good friend with her Canon 60D and the EF 50mm lens.

It was a quite spontaneous shot and I am really happy with the results. I really like the bokeh of the cherry trees and that it somehow creates a natural-dreamy fairy like atmosphere.

Technical details

Camera: Canon 70/60D
Lens: EF 50mm 1.8 ~ 1/256 – F1.8 – ISO 100
Light: Natural light
Location: between cherry trees near my hometown
Post processing: I edited this portrait with Digital Photo Professional and just change the brightness.

I think it is really important to be happy with what you have created. Don’t think that everything has to be perfect.

Just be yourself and do your thing! ♥

09. Ivy

Girl Outdoor Portrait Photography

Photographer: Ashai Autodefe | Deviantart Profile

Hello. My name is Ashai Autodefe I am a female photographer from Russia.

I made this photo of my good friend and beautiful model a few years ago. It was nice summer evening, we planned to create some idea with smoke and black dress and we done it and after I desided to make some simple photos in her everyday dress. I put petals of flower on her face using special eyelashes glue to made her closely to leaves and forest. I didnt do a lot in postprocess, just simple colour correction to pick out the balance of yellow, green and red colours.

Photography is my hobby for 6 or 7 years, for me it`s a way to create a picture, to tell smth important or show your feelings. Mostly I try to work outside and combine people and nature in my photos.

10. II

Girl Portrait Photography in a Restaurant

Photographer: Abie Akbar | Deviantart Profile

Hello everyone. My name is Abie Akbar and I am a male photographer based in Jakarta, Indonesia.

I love photography, especially portraits and fashion photography. because, we can capture the moment a person, capture cheerfulness, sadness, all about human feelings. Of course, our friends surely grow. It was all because of Photography.

For me, photography is “painting with light“. So, as much as I need to understand the conditions of light, in order to get a good light.

Almost all my photos, capture using a Canon 550D with a Canon lens 50mm F/1.8. Natural lighting for outdoor photoshoot. I use beauty dish for beauty portrait photography in the studio. Not a lot of post-processing I do. It is only tidy up, smoothness, color parse and amplifies the light if necessary. I will provide my photo captions in any subsequent

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