Weekly Favorite Portraits Showcase
We are back again with some more interesting emerging photographers, who are sharing their favorite portrait photograph and some interesting facts about behind the scene of that portrait. We are also very thankful for the tons of great works which we receive every week.
So what you’re waiting for? Take a look at these inspirational portrait photographs and feel the magic of photography. Don’t forget to share this as the work of all these photographers truly deserves to be made public.
Photographer: Laura Tiliman | Facebook fanpage
This is one of my favorite photographs I’ve taken because it’s so spontaneous and the story behind it is lovely. I was out shooting with an agency model and the location was the hairstylist’s house (Just outside Perth, Scotland) and she has a few rescued animals (including the sheep that’s in the photo).
The sheep (Tinkerbell) was brought in but unfortunately the other two sheep that were already there didn’t accept her so the owner (Louise) had to make a special area for her to live in – very close to the front door. This way the sheep got very close to the Louise’s children and they became friends.
I took the photos during our break, when I was chatting to the team when I saw the wee girl going next to the sheep and patting it so I started taking a few photos – I was really happy as it was one of the most beautiful sunsets I’ve ever seen so the light was just perfect.
This photo is very close to my heart because I know how much Louise loves it (she has it printed on her livingroom’s wall) and it’s something she will treasure forever! (We also got to feed the sheep treats as she has a big sweet tooth).
In terms of the technical aspect – I used my Canon 5D Mark II and 1.8 85mm lens. Unfortunately I can’t remember the exact settings I had at the time on the camera.
I’ve done very little post processing – just enhanced the colors with selective color and boosted the contrast!
Photographer: Kaitlyn Slocombe | Facebook fanpage | Flickr Profile | 500PX Profile
Hi I am Kaitlyn Slocombe, a female photographer from Australia.
This photograph is the first self-portrait I ever attempted. The bubble was captured in camera. All green tones were changed to the golden tones pictured on Photoshop. I have used Natural light only.
The photograph was taken using Canon 7D.
Beauty Ann
Photographer: Ravena July | Facebook fanpage | Flickr Profile | 500PX Profile
Hello, my name is Ravena. This photograph was taken using Nikon D610 camera with 50 mm f1.8 lens.
The place was Hincesti, a small town in Moldova, at Historical museum of Hincesti http://panoramio.com/photo/6147710
For this photograph I didn’t use flashlight, I used natural light only.
It was a cold spring when we did this photo session. The model name is Ann and she’s a professional model. Makeup and hair style was done by festfashion.md
Also, I have a little backstage video from this shooting: SleepingBeauty Photo-Shooting – RavenaJuly Photography (backstage)
Tanya Taylor 03
Photographer: Sergey Kotelnikov | Facebook fanpage | Flickr Profile | 500PX Profile
Hi, my name is Sergey Kotelnikov (Andipallabs) I was born in Nizhny Tagil. Now I live in St. Petersburg and work as a graphic designer. Photography for me, so far, is just a hobby. When I got my first camera (Canon 500D), I took pictures of everything: friends, strangers, random objects, holidays, parties. But one day I came across the work of a local photographer, Tanya Mochalova, and I was wondering how she was taking those shots. One evening during our chat with her, I have managed to arrange meeting. That day, my whole world of photography has completely changed. She showed me what is right and what is wrong. Since then, we have met and spent time on shootings and walks for months, being together most of a time. It was a good time, the coolest year of my life, to this date. For which I am grateful. This is her photo portrait.
It was the spring, before moving to St. Petersburg, at that moment we did not know, that this is one of the last days, when we could be free. All the parks were covered with falling yellow sunny leaves, bright beautiful weather, in our arms has appeared Sigma 35mm 1.4 lens of the new series that we would like to test as much as possible. We really liked this glass. I remember I climbed the old fence, struggling with balance and gravity, i were able to take a few shots from the top with the Canon 5D Mark II.
Laura Schaeffer
Photographer: Laura Schaeffer | Facebook fanpage
Hello, my name is Laura Schaeffer. This portrait is part of a whole series which was mainly inspired by Francis Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby. I wanted to portrait my interpretation of the character Daisy Buchanan and had the concept on my mind for quite a while before I finalized it. The image was taken over a year ago at a rose garden in my hometown.
I took advantage of the beautiful natural light that day and used a Canon EOS 6D with a 50mm 1.4 lens. The picture didn’t need much editing, so I just added some curves in Photoshop.
Sugar Skull
Photographer: Mirosław | Deviantart Profile
My name is Mirosław. I’m 17 years old. I live in Poland. I have been interested in photography since Autumn 2013.
Girl in the photo is my friend Zuźka :) She created this incredible sugar skull make-up. Photo was taken with natural lighting near by abandoned mill. The background in original was green, but i have changed it.
3 Submission
Photographer: Ashley | Deviantart Profile
Hello, my name is Ashley. I draw most of my inspiration from nature and am fascinated with the connectedness of all living things, so I almost always try to integrate natural elements in my photographs. I love this image in particular because the rose mimics the model’s eye, and also creates interest while drawing attention to the center of the frame.
This image was shot using natural light only using a Pentax K5 camera body and a 35mm f/2.8 prime lens. We were shooting in a garden location during midday sun, so I positioned the model in a shaded area to block the harsh sunlight. In post, I used dodge and burn to retouch the model’s skin/bring out the highlights. I also used alien skin exposure 6 to help bring out the colors in the image.
Andrea Mischi
Photographer: Andrea Mischi | Flickr Profile
I’m Andrew from Verona, Italy. I work for the Italian railway society and I usually take photos of my travel around USA. I photograph from 2010 when I buy my first reflex, now I use Fujifilm but I have a first model of a Canon 5D with magical lens I used for my reportage.
I’m very proud you show my portrait, this one I shooted with a great friends of mine (Alberto Zorzi), professional photographer of wedding and portrait. I don’t take portrait usually but we decide to test his Canon EOS with my Fuji.
This pics was shooted with my Fujifilm xpro1 eith the xf35mm. Shot wide open, f1.4.
The post production is very simple, Lightroom for WB correction and applying some light effects to give power to the subject.
Today was a Fairytale…
Photographer: Samantha Meglioli | Deviantart Profile
This photo is from one of my first client’s photoshot. I used one of my first camera, Sony a550 and 50mm 1.8, very basic equipment. We were walking around a small river in my city (Poitiers) to find some interesting spots, and I found this little tree full of red berries and tried to do something with.
Fortunately I had a very pretty model and a cold day; I mean the sky was quite white (you know like before snow), so the light was perfect for me; it was probably the first shooting I could be a little satisfied.
I can’t remember what I did exactly on Photoshop, I wasn’t really good (and I’m still not), it’s like when I’m cooking, I try a lot of things, i mix, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t.
Photographer: Anna | Deviantart Profile
My name is Anna Gartz and I am a 17 year old girl from Stockholm, Sweden. Photography has been my big interest for the last 5-6 years, since I got my first camera, the Nikon D80. But I have always had, as my father would say, “eyes of a photographer“, seeing things other people wouldn’t and every once in a while stop and really appreciate the beauty of nature.
The photo was taken on a golf course where I live, 12 miles north of Stockholm. It was a cloudy and windy day in the beginning of April in 2014. What I like about this picture and what I tried to capture was the serenity of spring, with the warm sun shining through the clouds, the cool wind in my hair and the emerging pussy willows. There is a feeling of warmth and cold at the same time. The grayness of the winter is slowly getting replaced by the colorfulness of the spring.
The photo was taken with a Canon EOS 600D, ISO 100, 34 mm, f/4,5, 1/197 sec in natural lighting, as i find working with natural lighting gives the best results. (Especially when it’s cloudy or when it’s after mid afternoon, as for this picture). As for post-processing I simply edited it in Photoshop Elements 6.0 where I increased saturation and contrast and also erased a couple of rooftops sticking up from behind the trees.
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