Photography by Young & Aspiring Photographer Marta Pietruszka
My name is Marta, I’m almost 21 years old. I’m from Poland. To be more exact I live in Poznan, a beautiful town situated on the Warta River. My adventure with photography began three years ago. In the beginning, I didn’t like either shooting or being in pictures. I avoided it like the plague. I have a little artistic soul. I wrote a lot, but I came to the conclusion that it wasn’t enough. Then, in my environment, photography began to be fashionable. I thought maybe it would be worth a try and it was really worth it.
In photography I like the most is that I manage to steal moments. I meet many wonderful, creative, positively crazy people with whom I have a lot in common. Photography is not constant. It changes.
Camera & Equipment Marta uses
I started from an ordinary compact camera. For two years I have an SLR camera, the Nikon D7000. The whole time I used a Nikkor lens 50/1.8f. During the summer I bought 85/1.8 (I still did not use this one!). In the meantime, I used the Helios 50/2 and 135/2.8 Chinon, which worked beautifully with the SLR. I like to photograph people. I would not say that they are typical portraits, but I love the diversity that prevails in people’s faces. I love human emotions. The diverse faces, Movement, Hair, Eyes that beautifully reflect light and show the depth.
Her Inspirations
Lara Jade, Caitlin Worthington, and Karrah Kobus.
Here are few amazingly beautiful photographs mainly Sunkissed taken by Marta to get some inspiration:
It is really delightful to feature artists like Marta on our site, We appreciate her for letting us feature her work on our site if you really liked Marta’s work make sure to like her page to get more updates from her.
Marta’s Facebook fan page: http://www.facebook.com/malowanemaki