Fascinating Self-Portrait Photography of Vanessa Paxton
Vanessa Paxton is a self-portrait photographer artist from Toronto, Canada. She is a fan of the central focused, square cropped, shallow depth of field look. She started her illustrious career in Grade 10 with the basics: depth of field, capturing motion, long exposures, etc. She is a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Ryerson University in Photography Studies.
Her line of work has led to her capturing weddings & engagements, maternity & new-born, children’s birthdays, creative portraits, album covers and she also sells her work and offers one-on-one tutoring in Photoshop and photography.
To fulfill her artistic desires she indulges in self-portraits and in her own words “the work I create in my spare time is mostly for me, as a form of therapy.”
Her inner drive:
“I like to do self-portraits, and that’s because I like the solitude and I like the feeling of accomplishment when I’ve done something challenging by myself.”
One of her stunning works Childhood Fears series is inspired by a photographer named Joshua Hoffine.
Her photography style is Soft. She shoots at f1.4, favors a pastel color palette. Her mode of capturing life is Canon EF 50mm 1.4
She is a natural light photographer. She canvasses her work on popular platforms: Flickr, Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, 500px, and Craiglist. She is an avid traveling enthusiast.
Her advice to budding photographers is to stick to their favorite style of photography and post them on Flickr,500px, etc.
So photographers and self-portrait enthusiasts keep following this amazing artist. Heres to Vanessa Paxton “Let the canvas roll n click away captivating portraits for the world to admire.”
May she have an exalted glory in the photographer’s sublime realm of noble artistry.
Here are few glimpses of Vanessa’s amazing past work for your weekly dose of inspiration!
To See more sensational work of Vanessa you can visit her Flickr photostream or her website and for getting the latest updates like her Facebook fan page.