Most Popular Portrait photography Posts of March 2014
We are back with the most popular post of march 2014. At the beginning of every month, we cover the best and the most popular article on portrait photography of the previous month. This time also we bring posts that has been the main limelight of the social world.
Also Read: Most Popular Portrait photography Posts of February 2014
If has any suggestions for this post you are free to share it with us by either commenting or via email.
Inspirational Portrait Series
Katerina Plotnikova a Russian photographer with the help of professional animal trainers took some stunning portraits with REAL Animals.
Photographer Lee Jeffries in an effort to make an intimate portrait captured some striking portrait of Homeless women and men. Speaking of an intimate portrait, Monica Bielanko from Babble.com shared Greatest Family Portrait Ever.
Millions of people from around the world are currently experiencing very different childhoods. Photographer James Mollison came up with this brilliant idea of capturing Where Children Sleep – a collection of stories about children from around the world, told through portraits and pictures of their bedrooms.
Who might have thought that Mother’s storybook photos will become a viral sensation Elena Shumilova’s a Russian photographer showcases adorable portraits of her two little sons and their adorable pets on her photostream.
When we think of kids and pets how could we forget the beautiful portrait series by Rebecca Leimbach who Captures The True Friendship Between Her Young Daughter And Their English Bulldog.
Interesting photography projects
Photographer Angélica Dass is running this cool photography project called Humanae. For this project, she took portraits of people and matching their skin tones to Pantone hues to show how wide-ranging the human spectrum really is. According to Mashable up till now, she has captured more than 2,000 photographs for this project.
Photographer Sarlota Bán’s with her project “Help Dogs with Images” is helping dogs who are in need of homes, these photos will be viewed by her followers giving the much-needed exposure for these dogs who are in need of families.
Photographer Dane Shitagi showcase some really astonishing photographs of ballet dancers on her project Ballerina. The Unique thing about this project is that all these images of ballet dancers were shot in different places like a waterfall in Hawaii, a Manhattan fire escape, or a Toronto streetcar except on stage.
Photography student James Hobson who is in her final year of study at Middlesex University, London is running the project Down’s Syndrome where she will be shooting the life of people who have been affected by downs syndrome.
Photographer Gerd Ludwig has started the project called The Long Shadow of Chernobyl – A Photo Book where he will be creating a compelling photo book from his 20-year-long coverage of the aftermath of Chernobyl nuclear disaster. Help him by donating to this project in Kickstarter.
Interviews that you might have missed
Jared Polin from froknowsphoto.com on his video series rawtalk had an awesome interview with photographer JOEY Lawrence also known as “Joey L”. Joey has been a real inspiration for many photographers so make sure to check this out!
Julia Kuzmenko from fstoppers had an awesome interview With Australian Fine Art Photographer and Digital Artist Alexia Sinclair. Alexia Sinclair has always been the best in her genre and so is Julia who did her best to make the best out of her by asking some difficult questions related to her work.
Film photography has always been an interesting topic for many photography enthusiasts. I found an interesting interview of film photographer Lindsey Lee which I feel was something you won’t like to miss.
Interesting Articles on Portrait Photography
Mandi Nuttall founder of mybeautycampaign.com did an awesome guest post 10 STEPS TO POSING CURVY WOMEN in mcpactions which was probably the best article you can read on posing and if you like this article then make sure to check out Free Posing Guide: Posing Tips for Families from lightroompresets.com
Tanya Smith at slrlounge.com posted this article 10 Tricks You Didn’t Know Your Camera Could Do (and How to Make Them Happen) where with the help of some amazing video tutorials they explained some cool tricks you can do with your camera.
Photojojo teams are best known for producing unique photography products did an excellent job of producing The Selfie Help Book where they shared their collection of the very best selfie-taking tips, apps, and gadgets.
We have always desired on how to take a great jumping photo, Candice Stringham at abeautifulmess.com covered this topic 9 Tips For Better Jumping Photos in the best way she can.
25 Things Wedding Photographers Wish You Knew by typeaimages.com is as interesting as the title suggests.
Being a beginner photographer we always tend to do some mistakes we didn’t know. Ibarionex Perello at thephoblographer covered 15 Things That Every New Photographer Does Wrong make sure to check which one are you committing.
If you like photographing pets, then you’ll love the secrets to taking awesome dog portraits by Elke Vogelsang. Elke Vogelsang was all over the internet last month.
This one is rather more disturbing where dailymail.co.uk posted this article on Controversial images chart one little Russian girl’s heartbreaking life with drug-addled parents. But was the photographer right to take them and not intervene?
Hope you’ll enjoy the curation of these articles. To end this series here is an article 15 Things Highly Focused People Don’t Do to help you improve your focus by life hacks.
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